September 13, 2023

Pro Tips and Strategies for Writing Landing Page Copy

A landing page is a web page that has a specific purpose: to convert visitors into leads or customers. One of the most important elements of online marketing is landing pages, as they are the gateway and first impression that potential customers have of your brand, product, or service. Essentially, crafting copy for landing pages is the business of making a lasting first impression, but how do you write landing page copy that converts? 

Whether your content is for software or e-commerce companies, or you’re creating a landing page to market a specific product, there are a few things to consider when creating copy that converts your website’s visitors into loyal followers or customers. In this blog, we'll explore the details of the art of creating compelling landing page copy, highlighting pro tips, unique considerations, and effective strategies to utilize to captivate your target audience and drive conversions.

First Things First, Research

The only thing that’s more important than understanding the product or service you’re trying to sell, and how it’ll be of value to your audience, is getting to know the audience themselves. Before you write anything, you need to understand who you are writing for. Take the time to understand who your audience is, and what their pain points and deepest desires are as this will guide the direction of your copy and help you write in a more relatable tone. 

People from different backgrounds and age groups relate differently to specific words, and your copy may do well with one group of people but not resonate with a different generation. For example, older generations relate better to words like “funky” or “groovy”, whereas younger audiences would prefer to use “lit” or “sick” to describe something cool. It’s your job to learn about who you’re talking to and use that to your advantage. 

Headlines and Subheadlines are Your Bait

Now that we know who’s on the other end of the line, we should have a better idea of what to say. Your headline is like the greeting message that the call center agent repeats to every caller when answering the phone. It’s the first point of interaction and it’s in those few seconds of seeing the headline that the reader decides whether they want to continue reading. 

Headlines and subheadlines are the most important parts of your landing page copy because they capture the attention of your visitors and entice them to read further. They are your chance to communicate your product or service’s unique value proposition (UVP), which is the main reason why potential customers should choose you over your competitors.

In order to hook your reader, use persuasive language and words that trigger emotional responses in your readers like curiosity, excitement, fear, or desire. Avoid the use of jargon and overly complex language and ensure that the copy is easy to understand for a wide audience.

Your Landing Page Copy Should Match Your Traffic Source 

It’s imperative to ensure that your landing page copy matches the audience’s expectations and what they searched for. It’s no use luring your readers in to find out more about “The Benefits of Utilizing Solar Energy”, and then go on to inform them about a new rechargeable UPS instead of solar energy sources.

A mismatch in messaging leads to an increased bounce rate which means that audiences arrive at your landing page but don’t stay. It also has a negative effect on the relationship you could be building with potential customers and your brand may be labeled as unreliable. 

Provide Data and Social Proof

Engaging your audience in a compelling narrative and telling your brand’s story is an effective way to get their attention and create an emotional connection that makes your offering more relatable. Another certified way to make your offering more relatable is to include statistics, data, and testimonials from satisfied customers or third parties. 

Numbers and data can add credibility and specificity to your landing page copy because people tend to trust the experiences of others more than the manufacturer’s claims. Stats can also help you quantify the benefits and results that your visitors can expect from using your product or service and incorporating the use of real names and faces builds trust and credibility. 

Incorporate Visual Content

Audiences are captivated by visual content like bold graphics, GIFs, images, and videos. Evidence of this can be found in the growing popularity of social platforms like Instagram and TikTok whose main focus is to deliver endless visual content to global audiences. Incorporating visuals into your landing page does an excellent job of simultaneously keeping your audience engaged and providing visual evidence of your product or service's value.

Test Different Versions of Your Copy

It’s highly unlikely that the first version of your landing page copy will make the final cut, so play around with a few options and get various opinions from fellow creatives, neutral third parties, and tools like Google Optimize about whether or not the copy sticks.

Consider A/B testing as a method of comparing two versions of your landing page to see which one performs better. It’s a way for you to optimize and fine-tune your landing page copy by finding out what works best for your audience and what can be improved. 

Creating a Landing Page Is not Just About Words 

Crafting compelling copy for landing pages is both an art and a science, and it’s certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires research to gain a deep understanding of your audience, the creativity to play around with persuasive language, and a commitment to testing and optimization. By following these pro tips, unique considerations, and strategies laid out in this blog, you'll be well on your way to creating landing page copy that not only captures attention but converts visitors into loyal customers.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with a group of highly capable and talented copywriters who can help simplify the process for you. Contact TMG Global and we’ll get you started on your journey to a beautiful and engaging landing page that converts.

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