It’s simple enough to string a couple of words together for a work email to one of our colleagues, or a text message to a family member on their birthday or Christmas. But when tasked with drafting compelling and persuasive copy to engage with customers on a regular basis, the average person could understandably run out of words at some point. This can be a problem if you’re trying to grow your brand and reach audiences outside of your scope, and that’s where a copywriter comes in.
Persuasion is described as “The ability to influence other people’s thoughts and opinions using convincing arguments and facts”. That ability is what makes copywriters more than just average writers, it’s a skill that can be harnessed to create a great turnaround for businesses of all magnitudes. And whether you choose to employ the skills of a freelance copywriter, or add a full-time wordsmith to your marketing team, here are some of the benefits that will come with it.
Entrepreneurs are people who seek out the problems in their community and make it their mission to create a solution that everyone can benefit from. In most cases, this solution is a business that has a very interesting story to tell. A copywriter can help your business to publish copy that aligns with the vision behind the business, further strengthening the connection with people who relate to the problems the business was created to solve.
In the example below from an article on Heyup, the copywriter has effectively painted a picture of the problem and presented the solution in a catchy paragraph that is informative, and crafted to make readers want to find out more.
Much like a brand logo or slogan, giving your brand a distinct voice can make it stand out from the crowd and help your target audience to identify you quickly. This is most evident on social media platforms, where brands are forced to have a relatable, human-like tone while maintaining professionalism and actually trying to sell their products. A copywriter can help your brand maintain a voice that transcends multiple digital platforms to connect with your audience on a medium that’s most comfortable for them.
Lately, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) forms a huge part of how blogs are crafted. A well-written blog can make your brand more visible in organic searches on search engines like Google or Yahoo, and the more content you have that ranks fairly well, the more traffic you’ll get on your website in the long run.
Two benefits of high traffic volumes on your website are 1) More customers are afforded the opportunity to engage and find out about what you’re selling, and 2) You can create an additional stream of income by allowing other brands to advertise their products and services on your website.
We’ve all seen a pop-up ad while scrolling through an article online, and while the possibility of accidentally clicking on one of these ads can be quite frustrating, it’s a good indicator that there’s quite a bit of traffic on the particular website and they’re likely getting paid for it. The Pet Blog Lady website has an advert on the landing page with a link that takes you to
Writing powerful copy is a task that requires a lot of research into a specific topic and target audience. Copywriters spend a lot of time doing research, and they may even have the ability to grasp different concepts quickly in order to create accurate and interesting blog posts on topics they have an average level of knowledge.
If you think it’ll be easier and more efficient to assign the task of creating content to different members of your team because they most likely already have extensive knowledge in the field, you may end up with very technical and complicated articles and posts that don’t have a unified brand voice.
Copywriting skills include the ability to ensure thoroughly researched material with uniform outcomes so that your company's image and reputation continues to build trust with your audience.
Audiences may also be scared to return to your website if it’s flooded with material they don’t understand. Having a skilled copywriter working with your team can provide a satisfactory customer experience and build a relationship with audiences who know they can count on you to keep them informed.
Copywriting goes beyond drafting blogs and articles, it also includes the words used when launching a new product, the technical writing that forms part of a user manual, and scripts for voiceovers.
The team at TMG Global is experienced in creating content for a range of tech companies and their various target audiences, and we can help your brand establish a voice too. Get in touch with us for a free content audit, and let us give you a sample of how your website can be improved by having a copywriter on your team.