August 28, 2023

Writing Compelling Software User Manuals for a Global User

The world of copywriting has several facets that make copywriting a necessary area. Copywriting has the main duty of keeping people informed – this can be through blog articles, press releases, advertising, and more. One of the ways to ensure the passing of information is through the standard user manual. 

At first glance, a software user manual might seem like a trivial piece of copy - noted, used, and then discarded in time. However, the user manual is possibly the most important part of the product. 

What Is a Software User Manual?

A user manual is any documentation that gives you information about a product, service, or platform. This includes directions on how to use the product, the safety precautions to take when using it, troubleshooting guides, product features, functionality, warranty information, and more.

Some products are even legally obligated to include user manuals. Essentially, these documents can make the life of the customer much easier – or much more difficult.

Types of User Manuals 

While the premise of a user manual might seem simple enough, different industries require different types of user manuals depending on the product or service being used. 

  • Instruction Manuals - Simple step-by-step instructions that tell the user how to use a product and how to ensure the basic setup. 
  • Service Manuals  - These are usually sold with cars or any type of large machinery and include maintenance and troubleshooting instructions.
  • Training Manuals These are instructions on how to complete a specific task, job, or process.
  • Operation Manuals – These are usually used by large companies to detail the roles, titles, and job descriptions.
  • Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOPs) – These are a set of standard procedures for a company on how to follow through on specific tasks.

Compelling Software User Manual Content

When drafting a user manual, it might seem like a simple enough task – simply write down step-by-step instructions. However, there are multiple things to consider before landing the ideal user manual. 

Use of Language 

A user manual is not meant to attract buyers or sell the product - that’s already been done. This means that you can pack away the flowery language and opt for practical and straightforward words. Use short, simple sentences that are easy to follow. If the product or service requires the use of technical terms, link it to a glossary page within the user manual.  


User manuals are not always going to be the same in every region. While some companies choose to include instructions in several different languages, a few will create entirely new documents for specific places. 

A user manual needs to generally appeal to a global audience. However, this isn’t always possible and means that there will be certain phrase, technical, and spelling differences. Typically, these changes happen for US and European versions where the units of measurement are also different. 


One of the key elements of a user manual is the visual aids it includes for easier navigation. This catches the eye of the user and can be interactive and easy to follow. Visuals in a user manual can include pictures, diagrams, links to video tutorials, and more.

Logical hierarchical structure

A software user manual is not exactly a leisurely read. When opening a user manual, you expect clear and direct information immediately at the tip of your fingers. This means that the manual needs to be structured logically with the most pertinent information at the beginning and a clear table of contents.

How to Write a Software User Manual? 

These are the best practices of user manual writing and – ironically - instructions on how to write instructions. Follow these simple steps to create a compelling software user manual that appeals to a global audience:

  1. Identify Your Market

Before creating a user manual, you need to know who the product is catered to. By understanding the demographic, their needs, and what they respond to, you can create a user manual specific to them. 

  1. Identify the Problem

The product being used is usually meant to solve a specific problem. Identifying the problem can help set up the user manual in a more enriching way.

  1. Create a Glossary and Key

Ensure that the user manual has a glossary early on to define technical terms. Create a key as well for icons, symbols, and codes used throughout the user manual to signify different sections by safety, importance, and more. 

  1. Step-By-Step

The instructions inside the user manual need to follow a logical sequence that helps the user set up or start up the device and then move along to the next step. Remember to keep the instructions short and to the point. 

  1. Use Perspective

The user manual needs to have some insight into how the product will be used – from start to finish. This means that it needs to map out the journey and follow the routine of product usage to keep the user informed at every step. 

  1. Maintain a Template

For maximum consistency – especially when drafting user manuals for different regions – it’s important to keep a fixed template for the user manual. This shows commitment and ensures that the relevant information is always in the right order. 

  1. Simplify!

One of the main issues with user manuals is companies overestimating the user’s expertise. The use of technical terms and industry jargon can be confusing for the average user. It’s a good tip to always treat the reader as a layman. This means you have to explain every step and detail in the simplest terms.

  1. Feedback and Response 

Encourage users to reach out and let you know if the user manual was helpful. This information can also be found when collecting data on which areas users were most likely to contact support lines about.

Create Helpful and Unique Content 

Software user manuals are an essential part of any product. As a copywriter, it’s your job to ensure that these crucial bits of information are relayed in the best way possible – for your client and the users.

Creating insightful, intelligent, and compelling copy can be challenging for most companies focused on the more practical business side of things. This is why making use of creative, dedicated, and efficient copywriting services is the way to go.  

Contact TMG Global today for a free content audit to make sure that your company’s copy is on track to meet your target audience’s needs.

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